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How Shockwave Therapy Reduces Chronic Pain

How Shockwave Therapy Reduces Chronic Pain

Shockwave therapy is a relatively new approach to reduce chronic pain. This simple, non-surgical procedure is used to treat such painful conditions as Achilles tendonitis, shoulder tendonitis, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, and a multitude of other conditions. It is also referred to as Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy or ESWT.

What Makes it Effective?

Non-invasive and pain-free, shockwave therapy is a wonderful option to address pain. Rather than undergoing surgery, a patient receives short and intense waves that stimulate the body to produce new fibroblast and tenocyte cells. These are the key cells that make up tendons and fascia. The therapy also overstimulates our pain nerves, resulting in less pain.

How Shockwave Therapy Reduces Chronic Pain

A High Success Rate

This new healthcare technology has helped numerous patients lessen and eradicate their chronic pain. Studies show many patients have had their pain lessened by an impressive 90% (or more).

Getting Results

Many of us spend thousands of dollars trying to reduce chronic pain. We try various gadgets and medications, to no avail. Shockwave therapy may be the answer you’ve been seeking. Talk to your doctor and ask if shockwave therapy could help your situation.

shockwave therapy in oriole physio north york

Call our expert staff at Oriole Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centre to get more information about shockwave therapy: (416) 221-0772.